Sunday 2 January 2011

'What Makes a Good Mobile Application Great'.

you can use the mobile application once you have a smartphone.

and i found a site which talked about
'What Makes a Good Mobile Application Great'.
'Each web site or web application that we use in this
Web 2.0 world has a feel that we’re used to; the mobile
version of web sites should merely be an extension of that
experience. Web developers should use the same fonts,
color schemes and buttons wherever possible to make us feel
at home. For an example, check out Mobile Facebook,
which uses the same blue hues and fonts as the Facebook
I use everyday in Firefox. Facebook has also made it easy
to click on a friend’s name and pull up their profile page
with a mini-feed, contact information, and other Facebook
features we know and love.

Strip it, strip it real good

A great mobile web site is a stripped-down,
more functional version of its original incarnation,
and simplicity is king — all unnecessary graphics
should be be excluded. In terms of screen flow,
content should be presented first, with navigation
placed at the bottom of each page. Having to scroll
past navigation to get to the real meat of a web page
is the bane of any mobile user’s existence.'

Mobile Flickr and Mobile Google Reader are good examples.

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